Strategic Questions to Ask Your Team: Check-Ins to Elevate Engagement and Ownership

Strategic Questions to Ask Your Team: Check-Ins to Elevate Engagement and Ownership

Hello, Koda– I recently (finally!) stepped into my first managerial role. From the get-go, I want to focus on fostering a dynamic and engaged team. I want to get more than just routine, bland updates during our check-ins–I want to spur innovative problem-solving and a sense of ownership among my team members. What incisive questions…

Mid-Year Success: Koda’s Support in Converting Hope into Tangible Career Goals

Mid-Year Success: Koda’s Support in Converting Hope into Tangible Career Goals

Koda– As an eternal optimist, I started the year with a neatly typed list of grand resolutions and ambitious goals. However, life’s unexpected twists and turns make me feel like my New Year’s resolutions are playing hide-and-seek. I can’t help but wonder if it’s time to get back on track or give them up altogether. I’ve…

Finding Work-Life Flow: The Results Will Surprise You

Finding Work-Life Flow: The Results Will Surprise You

Oh, Koda– ‍I’ve always been a workaholic, pouring my heart and soul into my career. I take my work so seriously that my friends often joke I have a permanent ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging over my head. But here’s the thing: I recently had a hilarious wake-up call that made me question my relentless pace. Picture this:…